Protecting the Intangibles: Devotion One

Over the next several weeks, I will be sharing devotions from my ebook. My hope is that each devotion will spark further reflection. The ebook's goal is to open the spiritual reservoir of God's provision and guidance as we parent. That provision is waiting for you today. Feel free to share your responses and journey in the comments; I will respond to every one. And if you want your own copy of this free ebook, follow the prompts here.

Day 1
“You bestow on him blessings forever; you make him glad with the joy of your presence.” Psalm 21:6
Chaos in our lives can be driven by comparison games. It’s easy to become busier and busier as we compare our schedules with others. There are often good intentions behind these efforts. Schedule-wise, we don’t want our children to fall behind, miss out, or fail to reach their full potential. The problem is that these tangible activities can choke time for the ones with intangible rewards. Spending quality time and planting godly seeds in our families are not always activities that pop on a page, but their rewards are far richer. True inner fortitude can’t be measured by how firmly a child kicks a ball; lasting happiness can’t be found at the end of an expert recital. By investing in what God measures as worthy, we can experience greater blessings and joy, often when we least expect it ... and with no regrets later on. Today, tally three intangible blessings that you want to impart as you parent.
Further Reading: Psalm 1:1–3; Psalm 119:1–3


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