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Motherhood Devotion: The Promise Tucked Inside My Miracle

This week I'm sharing an old favorite! I wrote this for iBelieve and it's been featured on Crosswalk as well. I hope you read it. It's a great precursor to my next article for Crosswalk that's on motherhood as a sacred calling—it will be featured soon! The Promise Tucked Inside My Miracle By: Noelle Kirchner “Your eyes beheld my unformed substance. In your book were written all the days that were formed for me, when none of them as yet exist ed” ( Psalm 139:16 ). When the doctor placed him on my stomach, all I could do was cry. As I had approached his delivery day, I was resolved to fully experience this moment. I wanted to relish my first look at him, a child whom I knew so well and yet not at all. I could at last see the little hands that I had felt tapping against my belly. I could take in his face in real time instead of through the grainy ultrasound pictures. I could finally feel his warmth against my skin as I held him close. My tears were the response of joyful p...

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