First Radio Show!

From the left: Kathleen, Kerry, and me the night we spoke

Are you wrestling with risk? Perhaps you are wanting to take that first step and looking for inspiration. Maybe you are in the thick of it and needing some encouragement to stay the course. In this radio show, I share personal insights and spiritual inspiration that can help! LISTEN BELOW!

I was delighted to be a guest on "Morphmom Moments" at the invitation of Morphmom Founder, Kathleen Butler-Smith. Kathleen is an attorney who left law to be home with her children. She later "morphed" into what she is doing now, which is inspiring women to think creatively about their time and passions!

Kerry Barrett, Emmy Award-Winning TV Anchor and now consulting company CEO, joined the conversation. After these two women were guests on my show, Chaos to Calm, we felt the need to keep talking about risk! Find out why Kerry was so afraid to risk and do public'll hear her story about bullying, which she wrestles with to this day.

After taping, Kathleen said that this was her best radio show yet! You can listen via this link:

Click on the "Spreaker" show marked 1–30–20 on City World Radio. Please note that the show cuts out for a brief moment at the beginning, but I promise that it gets better and you won't want to miss it! (We spoke outside of the NYC studio because of my nursing schedule—I was morphmoming it even then!) A podcast for iTunes will be coming soon too!


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