Why We Need to Turn Off Cuties and 'WAP' Now

Cuties movie still, Netflix receives backlash for sexualizing children in upcoming movie

PLEASE read my newest article to learn about the controversial Sundance Film Cuties and the trending pop song "WAP" and why they're so dangerous. I include findings from the American Psychological Association (APA). 

Our hyper-sexualized culture is oppressing females—including young girls. Lives are quite literally at stake by what we support. Every voice matters as we raise them on behalf of our fellow women, the voiceless, and those whose voices are still forming. 

Read my article for Crosswalk here

P.S. Stayed tuned for the fall episode of my faith and parenting TV show, Chaos to Calm, in which I interview two authors of a new tween devotional for girls—we touch on Cuties and "WAP" too!


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